ベイサイドで一年以上勉強しています。ベイサイドに行くたび、私は友達の家を訪れるような気がします。学校に入るとき靴を脱が なければならないからではなく、ベイサイドの先生がいつもほほえみを浮かべて迎えて下さるので歓迎して貰っているように感じるからです。
My name is Behnaz. I have been with Bayside Academy for over a year.
Every time I go to Bayside Academy, I feel I am visiting my friend’s house,
notbecause I have to take off my shoes, but my kind teacher, who always
has a smile on her face makes me feel so welcome !My teacher is so
friendly and patient, and she takes the time to answer all of my questions. She
is always thinking about my curriculum checking what I need and what
I want to studyI wish great success for this Academy. Behnaz